Thursday, November 25, 2010


Listening to "It's Not My Time" by Three Doors Down..

Is time really an enemy or a progression toward something we know nothing about? Opening with a question is a rather unusual phenomenon, isn't it? John Milton wrote in darkness after his 40's. How many of us have seen much with our eyes and have not yet learned to see without them even for a few short moments?

Close your eyes and see how much more pronounced your other senses are without sight the next time you go to the park or through a walk in the woods. When I am on the mountain and I pull that, it's amazing that I can hear the wind in a way I never heard it, smell the plants and flowers with much more focus, hear the buzzing of an insect with more acuity (because I AM seeing AUDIBLY) than when I have my eyes OPEN! If you can tell what type of insect it is with your eyes closed, then you see it with your mind and your sense of hearing is taking that message to your brain! One can usually tell the fly from the wasp, or the horsefly from the mosquito. Even the rain can touch you with more intensity when you focus on keeping your eyes closed if you are one of those people that doesn't get bothered by a little water! I have been known to take walks in it! For my friends who go to the park, you can distinguish the sound of a pigeon from that of a sparrow (or a dove) with your eyes closed! I am willing to bet on it!

To put such faith in your other senses for these few short moments lets you get in touch with that part of yourself that you cannot afford to let die--the kid you were!

I smile when I think of what I almost missed. Life is not always what we see, but as the song says, it's what we believe in too! If you still have your dreams alive, take them and run with them! Don't let others try to take them from you because they want you to be some facsimile of their own selves. Only you can live your life. Only you can answer for whatever you do or don't do.

When this life is over, I believe we change and that this planet will become one with our dust. I can see why my Native American ancestors believe that Earth is the mother. We did come from it and we will go back to it. Walt Whitman even goes into this idea in Leaves of Grass. Much as I hate to burst anyones bubble, it also means that if man was created from dust, then, in a sense we are born from the Earth even though the sphere is not in and of itself divine. If all life came from dust, where did that dust come from--THAT should be the question.

There is no reason why at any age, one cannot break the chains of expectations set down for them from generation to generation. I always stressed the importance of an education to my children--and they finished school, but I didn't shove the idea that they should be rocket scientists down their throats. I don't live my life through them and I also taught them from an early age not to let anyone do that to them. None of my sons will be that "young man sittin' in the old man's bar, waitin' for his turn to die--" either as the Goo Goo Dolls sang in Broadway. They are definitely their own men...

Now I am at a turning point in my life and I believe I can do all of the following:

1. Teach overseas

2. Get my Master's Degree

3. Later get my Doctorate degree

4. And finally, impart what I have learned to others who can benefit from it.

It does not matter if one wants to work in the oilfield, be a housewife, actor, architect or whatever. What matters is that one is happy with the choices they have made and I do embrace mine! The key is, make sure you get what YOU WANT and then appreciate what you HAVE once you have got it.

I am truly grateful to God for what I have. At least he has a sense of humor because if he didn't, he wouldn't have subjected you to putting up with my antics and sense of humor. Look out! I can be total and complete ham, saint, sinner, teacher, fighter, leader, or just a good old fashioned bitch--depending on the situations that arise in my life. I have learned to love playing the role of "God" when I pick up a pen and create more imaginery worlds and characters over which I hold the power of life and death.

I wonder what the South Park writers had in mind by coming up with "Kenny"--who gets killed again and again! Was he the bully that picked on them as a kid or what? LOL!
I firmly believe in having a sense of humor so if you do not have one, I fully expect to be flamed over what I am about to say.

I am truly convinced that you can tell one's psychological make-up by the muppets they preferred to see as a child! Seriously! Wanna know my favorites? Animal, Crazy Harry (yes there was a muppet with that name--and he blew up shit all the time! Really!), Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster and last but not least--those two heckling old men in the balcony on the Muppet Show!!!

These muppets can represent any personality you've dealt with, Just like Jeff Dunham's brood can! Of Dunham's, my personal favorite is Walter. He reminds me of some relatives of mine! I also liked the episode where Bubba J "drunk proofed" the home!

In closing, I can hear these and know what is going on even if I were to lose my sight! Have a great weekend and I hope this gave you a laugh AND something to think about for a few kicks!

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