Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My new sense of direction!

The weather has been cool as of late. As usual, I take my walks on the mountain, sometimes I'll take another one in the evening around the track, and this is the time I take to clear my brain of all the mental chatter going on. My mind is constantly working. In fact, what blows peoples' minds is that I can type out a thought faster than I can voice it--unless I get VERY upset. Then I need the "special clapper"...You know--that running joke where someone says, "Help! I'm talking and I can't shut up!"? Oh well. That's life...

Yesterday I worked as a substitute teacher again. The good news--my certification is ACTIVE and such! I can now get a J-O-B! But subbing does pay well. Working with the kids enabled me to remember what it was like to see them light up when they achieved something! A special needs student was so excited that she made a lap around the track that she had to hug me and tell me about it! God! I hope I get to go to the Special Olympics the next year!

With that in mind, I am going to take the certification exam for all level special Education. That is where my passion lies. I can work with the TAKS requirements and STILL teach the curriculum. After that I plan to pursue a Master's Degree. I have not yet decided which field to focus on, though. I can do English, Curriculum and Development, Administration, etc...I am simply not sure yet. My goals are changing and I now have a new sense of direction.

I also am coming out of what I call "Sergeant Mode". I like it. I can be myself for a change--meaning I can dress nicely and wear make-up again! AND I might let my hair grow out longer...Have a great week! I know that I am!


  1. Good for you Tina. It's never too late to change your blueprint in life. I wish I was like you. Got so many plans especially when it comes to your career. Well, with that motivation and desire you have in you, you'll get it all right with your new sense of direction. I wish you luck Tina! And by the way, nice blogs.

  2. Thank you Roy! I am of the philosophy that it is never too late to get what one wants until he or she is dead! When I grow up I wanna be--STILL ME! LOL!
