Friday, April 1, 2011

What a week...

This girl strikes a great pose, huh?  I told her to crack a smile for the travelling  band of philosophers on the planet and she did it! She definitely listens better than I do on days! :-D  I met her at a petting zoo.  People in West TX just do not get this close to an animal like this without having to travel hundreds of miles to a zoo~!  This is the first one I've been close to in almost 30 years!   I went to NYC in 1981 and marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and got to go backstage!  I met the Rockettes and all that--and it was fun, but I was intrigued by the animals they used.  Camels were among them.  This girl didn't spit but the ones there did! I didn't get hit either! LOL

I also got to see a joey at this one--and a llama.  I petted most of them, but the Alpaca preferred to stay where he was.  Here's one of a  baby goat hitchin' a ride on the back of a tortoise!

I tried to get it from other angles, but it kept jumping off and then getting back on!  Anyway, tomorrow I shall walk my mountain again.  I need the clarity I get from that.  I need to focus on me again.  It's long overdue!  I am going to go up there and just enjoy some quiet, some animal life, some sage & cedar which is filling the air up there and unwind for the week!  Have a great weekend and take care!  Here's a pic from on high! I'm not even at the top yet, but when I get up there, I can see for miles on a clear day!