Friday, April 1, 2011

What a week...

This girl strikes a great pose, huh?  I told her to crack a smile for the travelling  band of philosophers on the planet and she did it! She definitely listens better than I do on days! :-D  I met her at a petting zoo.  People in West TX just do not get this close to an animal like this without having to travel hundreds of miles to a zoo~!  This is the first one I've been close to in almost 30 years!   I went to NYC in 1981 and marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and got to go backstage!  I met the Rockettes and all that--and it was fun, but I was intrigued by the animals they used.  Camels were among them.  This girl didn't spit but the ones there did! I didn't get hit either! LOL

I also got to see a joey at this one--and a llama.  I petted most of them, but the Alpaca preferred to stay where he was.  Here's one of a  baby goat hitchin' a ride on the back of a tortoise!

I tried to get it from other angles, but it kept jumping off and then getting back on!  Anyway, tomorrow I shall walk my mountain again.  I need the clarity I get from that.  I need to focus on me again.  It's long overdue!  I am going to go up there and just enjoy some quiet, some animal life, some sage & cedar which is filling the air up there and unwind for the week!  Have a great weekend and take care!  Here's a pic from on high! I'm not even at the top yet, but when I get up there, I can see for miles on a clear day!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The old FB page is dead...

Due to incessant attacking and backbiting--not to mention the threatening messages I got from a certain person who decided that if I wasn't going to play in favor of the playground bully for letting everyone freely express themselves AND  for not omitting 10 people from my list, I killed my old FB page, turned the fool in and started a new one.  That fool repeatedly sends requests which I ignore. Once I had the local authorities take care of the situation, that stopped, but the old page is staying DEAD.  I only let certain people on my new one and changed up all my privacy settings.

Luckily, that individual is also trying to intimidate others.  He's about to be toast thanks to the Zuckerman crew.